Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answer some of the questions we hear most often. If you do not find the answer you're looking for, feel free to hit us up at the email given below.


What is Meeval?

Meeval is a revolutionary healthcare platform that puts patients at the center of their care journey. It leverages advanced technology and patient-reported data to empower individuals, improve treatment outcomes, and foster better communication between patients and healthcare providers.


How does Meeval work?

Meeval works by enabling patients to actively participate in their care through the seamless collection of patient-reported outcomes (PROs). Patients can track symptoms, provide feedback, and share important information with their healthcare team. Healthcare providers can then use this data to make informed decisions and deliver personalized care.


Who can benefit from using Meeval?

Meeval is designed to benefit patients, healthcare providers, and medical institutions. Patients gain a voice in their care, better symptom management, and improved treatment outcomes. Healthcare providers benefit from comprehensive patient data, enabling personalized care plans. Medical institutions can enhance patient satisfaction, improve quality metrics, and drive better overall care delivery.


What types of conditions does Meeval support?

While our initial focus is on cancer care, Meeval has the flexibility to support various medical specialties and chronic conditions. As we continue to evolve, we aim to expand our reach and impact across a wide range of healthcare domains.


Is Meeval secure and private?

Absolutely. Meeval prioritizes data security and privacy. We adhere to strict industry standards and implement robust encryption protocols to safeguard patient information. We are fully compliant with relevant healthcare regulations to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of all user data.


How can I access Meeval?

Meeval is currently in closed testing stage. You can access it via your clinic/doctor if they've signed up to use it. The app is available on both the Play Store and App Store.


What types of conditions does Meeval support?

While our initial focus is on cancer care, Meeval has the flexibility to support various medical specialties and chronic conditions. As we continue to evolve, we aim to expand our reach and impact across a wide range of healthcare domains.


Is Meeval secure and private?

Absolutely. Meeval prioritizes data security and privacy. We adhere to strict industry standards and implement robust encryption protocols to safeguard patient information. We are fully compliant with relevant healthcare regulations to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of all user data.


How can healthcare providers benefit from Meeval?

Meeval empowers healthcare providers by offering valuable insights into patients' symptoms, treatment progress, and overall well-being. Providers can make informed decisions, monitor treatment effectiveness, and engage in proactive care management, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.


Is Meeval suitable for remote patient monitoring?

Absolutely. Meeval's digital capabilities make it ideal for remote patient monitoring. Patients can conveniently track their symptoms and communicate with their healthcare providers from the comfort of their own homes. This promotes continuous care and improves access for patients, regardless of their geographical location.


What types of conditions does Meeval support?

While our initial focus is on cancer care, Meeval has the flexibility to support various medical specialties and chronic conditions. As we continue to evolve, we aim to expand our reach and impact across a wide range of healthcare domains.


Is Meeval secure and private?

Absolutely. Meeval prioritizes data security and privacy. We adhere to strict industry standards and implement robust encryption protocols to safeguard patient information. We are fully compliant with relevant healthcare regulations to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of all user data.


Is Meeval looking to raise money right now?

Yes. Meeval is looking forward to raising its pre-seed round. To know more, please reach out to


Why should I consider investing in Meeval?

Meeval presents a unique investment opportunity in the healthcare technology sector. By focusing on patient-centric care and leveraging advanced technology, Meeval is poised to disrupt the traditional healthcare landscape. Investing in Meeval means being part of a transformative journey that has the potential to improve patient outcomes, drive cost efficiencies, and shape the future of healthcare delivery.


How can I get more information about investing in Meeval?

We welcome the opportunity to provide you with detailed investment information. Please reach out to us at We will be happy to answer your questions, share investment materials, and arrange meetings or presentations to discuss the investment opportunity further.